Hey all, it's Jules. Climbing to me is like a dance with Mother Nature, but instead of a ballroom, it's a cliff face, and my partner is a chunk of granite. So, let's keep our climbing spots as fresh as clean, because nothing kills the vibe like tripping over someone's discarded energy bar wrapper.
Jules, a passionate rock climber, not only makes sure to leave no trace behind but also diligently carries a handy pouch to collect any litter he encounters along the way to the crag.
Anything but simple. Soft pile lining helps for ideal chalk distribution, while the draw string closure seals the chalk bag neatly and keeps your chalk dry. 8BPLUS chalk bags are well-sized with an extra stiffened access rim, so every time you reach back to chalk up you'll only feel the chalk on your finger tips. Effortless chalking up. Features brush holders on left and right side. This is a handmade chalk bag developed by climbers for climbers, with no compromises on quality or functionality.
MATERIALS: premium artificial fur on the outside, Soft Fleece on the inside (100% Poly)
WEIGHT: 125 gram
OPENING SIZE: 12.5cm (5in)
Drawstring closure to tightly seal the bag
Size-adjustable belt ( XS - XL)
Extra Clip Carabiner to attach it anywhere you want
2x Brush Holders (for lefties and righties)
Comes with branded gift and storage pouch to keep it clean
Product Features

Customer reviews
Customer reviews

Be warned, if you choose to take one of the super sweet, unique and crazy 8BPLUS Chalk bags home with you.. you have to feed them regularly or they will go CRAZY! #EatMoreChalk