What You Need to Know Before Your Next Rock Climbing Date
If you’re one of the millions of single people who have ventured out on a date this year, chances are you might be running out of fun date ideas. In fact, you’ve got, on average, about 41 total dates to plan, so you might as well make the most of them!
So if you’re done with boring dinner dates and have moved on from quiet movie dates, then it’s time to shake things up a bit more. Try something new and unconventional with a more active dating experience like a rock climbing date.
Break out of the usual pattern of drinks and chit-chat, and get ready to roll up your sleeves for the ultimate indoor date.Check out our ideas below to help you plan for a fun afternoon of physical activity that enables you to break a sweat -and if you’re lucky -the ice, too.
Four Tips for a Successful Rock Climbing Date
Whether it’s your first visit to a rock climbing gymor 500th, there’s no denying your spirit of adventure. And if you’re on a date, then we can’t think of anything better than sharing an experience together? Check out these four tips for a stress-free date!
Dress the Part
If you’re new to rock climbing, then it’s important to feel comfortable and prepared for just about anything. This means bruises, bang-ups, and a whole lotta sweat. So if you’ll be hoisting your legs up and down a climbing wall, swinging from a rope, and readjusting your grip, then workout clothing is the obvious choice.
For women, spandex tights or leggings help protect your legs from dings and bumps. Breathable, form-fitting cotton shirts with a bit of stretch are also more comfortable to move about in. Men might want to skip the shortsand opt for athletic pants instead (just make sure they aren’t too loose to get caught on something).
Also, skip the socks altogether and rent the shoes instead. Yes, it seems kind of weird but trust us, it’s the right choice.
Learn Together
Even if this isn’t your first time at the rock climbing date rodeo, go into the experience with an open mind, especially if it’s your date’s first time. Just because you’re more of an expert, doesn’t mean you need to rush your date or bark orders.
Take a step back and remember that you’re both there to have fun. After all, you’re competing for someone’s heart, not a rock climbing trophy.
Skip the Innuendos
Although novice climbers won’t pick up on the rock climbing innuendos, such as the “cracks” and “nuts”references, it’s best to skip them altogether. Especially if this is your first date.
There’s nothing more awkward or uncomfortable than being the recipient of a dirty joke from someone you don’t know very well.
Teamwork Makes the (Dream) Date Work
One of the best things about a rock climbing date is that it’s a fun activity to share together. As you both work to solve a problem together, it can be a terrific a bonding experience. It’s also an excellent opportunity to see how your date problem solves with both you and the rest of the climbers at the gym.
A Few Takeaways
If you’re heading somewhere after your rock climbing date, remember to pack a change of clothing, deodorant, body wipes, and dry shampoo. Not only will you feel refreshed, but you’ll be so glad you didn’t go for drinks and dinner smelling like you ran a marathon.
Be prepared for your next rock climbing date with all of the latest gear.