5 Must-Know Benefits of Indoor Climbing
Indoor rock climbing gyms continue to pop up in cities all across the country. And with the addition of climbing to the 2020 Olympics, it’s no surprise it will only gain in popularity.
So, what are the benefits of indoor rock climbing? And why should you consider running, not walking, to your local facility today?
Turns out there are several benefits you can get from indoor climbing you may not have thought of. Let’s look at 5 of those benefits now.
1. Safety Factor
With indoor climbing, safety is already thought out for you.
Of course, the risk of injury will always be there, but it’s far less likely in an indoor facility (because let’s face it… the owner doesn’t want you to break any bones on his property!).
It makes it the perfect place for beginners to learn the ropes (no pun intended). And for more experienced climbers to concentrate on their technique rather than worry if their anchor will hold.
2. Challenge of Bouldering
Many people prefer knowing how they are progressing. Being able to watch themselves conquer that next challenge is appealing.
Indoor bouldering is ideal for this. You can work towards that next goal by increasing your grade rating.
Numbers can have a significant impact on keeping people motivated. And with indoor grading systems, it gives them the visual push to keep going.
3. It’s a Full-Body Workout
Other gym workouts are great, but many don’t compare to the full-body workout rock climbing can give you.
Along with the full-body workout, it increases muscle endurance, flexibility, and builds muscle.
It also helps boost brain function and reduce stress. Many consider climbing to be a form of meditation. And of course, it’s fun! A much different challenge than an aerobics class or the treadmill.
Now, how many gym workouts can you say that about?
4. Accessible and Year Round
Sure, the great outdoors is big and beautiful. But it’s not exactly ideal for climbing when you have to deal with rain or snow. Not tomention hiking to the rock after a long drive to get there.
Indoor facilities let you climb no matter what the weather may be.
And often, it’s right down the street from where you live. There’s no hunting down locations followed by a lengthy road trip.
When you’ve got an itch to climb, you know that accessibility can be your best friend.
5. It’s Social
At a climbing gym, you’re always going to have the support of like-minded individuals. Everyone is there for the same purpose, and the camaraderie is priceless.
And since you’re there with people of all climbing expertise, you have the added benefit of drawing on their advice and knowledge.
So, if your friends aren’t available on a night you want to go climbing, don’t worry. There’s always going to be another group of friends waiting to cheer you on.
The Benefits of Indoor Rock Climbing Are Clear
When weighing out the pros and cons, knowing the benefits of indoor rock climbing can help you decide and tip the scale in its favor.
Need some new gear to up your climbing game? Click here to shop our climber designed selection now!