for sure 10kg
Check out our GIFT Sets this holiday season
250.000+ Happy Customers
More than 4.800 ★★★★★ Reviews
In rock climbing there is no room for error. Every item, piece of equipment or movement comes down to pure perfection. So do our climbing bracelets.
These are no common Tee's. When you wear them you become 8BPLUS! Suddenly holds appear to be double the size and the rock seems to bow before you.
In rock climbing there is no room for error. Every item, piece of equipment or movement comes down to pure perfection. So do our climbing bracelets.
These are no common Tee's. When you wear them you become 8BPLUS! Suddenly holds appear to be double the size and the rock seems to bow before you.
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"Find the right work-climb balance ;)"
for sure 10kg
Hard routes are Stefan’s playground and if you ask him for his
favourite area, there is only Tirol as an answer. At the Boulder, on
the highline or in the bigwall, you’ll find Stefan only at places where
other people would put on diapers. 8bplus in its purest form!
Age: 4x
From: Kramsach / Tirol (Austria)
Favourite spot: Zillertal and Arco
Favourite gear: My 8BPLUS Chalkbag and the new 8BPLUS Chalk
If not climbing: I’m probably just planning a climbing trip.
Future plans: Spend more time in Arco and with my family